Hi, I am a master student in the the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Yonsei University, advised by Yong-Ho Jeon, Hyun-soo Yoon and Kyung-ho Yoon.

My research interests lie broadly in mathematical backgrounds of Machine Learning. Currently my focus is on the distributional robustness of machine learning.

Beyond Academics, I love sports and traveling.

Questions I have recently been asking

  • Is Statistics still important in chaotic setting? Can we distinguish patternless, chaotic structure from noisy data?
  • What is the limits of current AIs? What can machines do and what can they not do?
  • How does our brain encode spatial temporal information using physics and chemicals only? How do we unlearn what have been learnt? Can machines also do it? How do information flow in brain?

Fields of interest

Geometric, probablistic inequaity and concentration of mass. Mathematical theories of Machine Learning, Graph, Applications in Neuroscience, Finance and Business.


Research Affiliations

Favorite Quotes

Work hard, be kind. And amazing things will happen.
You have to plant little acorns which grow into mighty oak trees. But you have to plant acorns which will grow. The person who works on the right problem at the right time in the right way is what counts, and nothing else.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.


E-mail : pjh961018@naver.com