Research Interest

  • Distributional Robustness and generalizability
  • Theoretical Computer Science, Information Theory
  • Harmonic Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Ergodic Theory
  • Empirical Process
  • Graph
  • Non-parametric Statistics
  • Statistical Learning
  • Applications to Data-Driven Decision Making, Economics and Inverse Problem in Medical Imaging.

Research Experience

[1] Quantum Algorithms for the Hidden Shift Problem(2022)

(Co-authored with Boseong Kim, Sekang Kwon, Sehoon Bahng, Inhyuk Oh, Adel Sohbi, Hyukjoon Kwon)

  • Abstract: The hidden shift problem is defined over an unknown function f and a hidden element s that shifts the input of the function. Provided an oracle that can compute the function with and without the shift, the problem asks to recover s. One of the most remarkable cases is when f is highly nonlinear, whereas best known classical algorithms take exponentially many oracle queries to retrieves. In particular, the hidden shift problem over maximally nonlinear Boolean functions (bent functions) reduces to the abelian hidden subgroup problem, or equivalently, the factorization problem. In this talk, we walk through two examples of quantum algorithms on the hidden shift problem over bent functions, namely the R ̈otteler’s and the Gavinsky’s algorithms which provide an exponential speedup compared to known classical algorithms. We show their implementation on quantum computers and address their impacts and limitations in the noisy-intermediate scale quantum era.

[2] Best Strategy for Malaria Eradication (2021)

(Written in Korean, Co-authored with Minhyuk Seo, Sangwon Choi)

  • Abstract: In this paper, we conduct both deterministic model and stochastic model of malaria infection. The former represents where the disease is pervasive, whereas the latter depicts where it newly prevails. We found that in the deterministic model, using both drug control and vector control with mid-intensity is economically optimal strategy to eradicate malaria infection. In stochastic model, there is no one absolute optimal strategy and therefore, additional case studies should be accompanied to find the best strategy.

[3] Heterogeneous Responses to Monetary Policy Shock in Industry Levels and Responses of Equity Market : Case of Korea(2020)

  • Abstract: This paper empirically studies the dynamic amongst monetary policy, output, and equity market in Korea. More specifically, it shows the heterogeneous responses of output in industry level to monetary policy shocks using Structural Vector Autoregression model. The study further examines whether equity market responds to monetary policy shock with respect to output changes. I find that industry sectors have different responses to monetary policy shocks in Korea, to which equity market does not react with respect to expected output changes.