$G = (V,E) $ is a graph. Let $ A $ be an adjency matrix of a graph G.
There are 3-Levels of learning tasks.
- Node level
- Link level
- Graph level
Node Features
Intro : Given the classes of some nodes, we want to know the class of other nodes.
Eigenvalue Centrality
Node is important if its neighborhood is important.
$u_{s} = \frac{1}{\lambda} \sum_{v \in N(s)} u_{v} $ ($\lambda$ is the normalizing constant.)
$\lambda u = Au$ where A is adjencey matrix. Thus, $\lambda$ is the eigenvalue of A. By Perron-Frobenius Theorem, since all the elements of A are non-negative the largest eigenvalue is positive. We usually choose eigenvector u corresponding to the largest eigenvalue as node centrality. -
Betweenness Centrality
Node is important if it lies on many shortest paths.
$u_{s} = \sum_{v \neq s \neq w} \frac{\text{the number of shortest path paths between v and w that pass through s}}{\text{the number of shortest paths between v and w}} $ -
Closeness Centrality
Node is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes.
$u_{s} = \frac{1}{\sum_{v \neq s}\text{shortest path length between v and s}}$ -
Clustering Coefficients
Node is important if connected to many neighboring nodes.
$e_{v} = \frac{\text{the number of edges among neighboring nodes}}{k_{v} \text{choose} 2}$ It counts the number of triangles that a node touches. -
Count the number of pre-specified subgraphs with the given node.
Link Features
Given the graph, we want to predict the link or relationship between two different nodes. For example, a link between node is deleted then the connection is predicted for research on chemical reactions. Connection between people can be predicted for social network studies.
Distance based link features The link feature between two nodes is measured by the shortest path between two nodes. Yet, this does not capture the degree of nodes.
Local Neighborhood Overlap Captures the number of common neighbors of two nodes.
(i) Common Neighbors : $ |N(v_{1})\cap N(v_{2})| $
(ii) Jaccard’s coefficient : $\frac{ |N(v_{1})\cap N(v_{2})|}{|N(v_{1})\bigcup N(v_{2})|}$
(iii) Adamic-Adar index : $\sum_{u \in N(v_{1})\cap N(v_{2})} \frac{1}{\log k_{u}} $ ($k_{u}$ is the degree of node u) So as node u is popular and connected to many other nodes, it is less likely that neighbors of node u are linked together. (Think about celebrity.)
Local Neighborhood Overlap fails to connect two nodes without common neighbors. -
Global Neighborhood Overlap Karz index counts the number of walks of all lengths between two nodes. It is easily countable by using adjency matrix. $S_{v_{1},v_{2}} = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\beta^{i}A_{v_1,v_2}^{i} $ is the karz index between node v1 and v2. ($\beta$ is the discount factor for each walk, $A_{v_1,v_2}^{i} $ is the walks of length i between two nodes.)
By the geometric series, $ S = (I-\beta A)^{-1} - I $
Graph-level Features
Use Graph Kernels for similarity of graphs. i.e. $K(G,G’) = \phi(G)^{T} \phi(G’)$ is the functional.
Graphlet Kernel Idea : Bag of words for graph. But to compute this, subgraph isomorphism must be found. It is NP-hard.
Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel
Randon-Walk Kernel
Shortest-path graph kernel
Quantum-Random-Walk Kernel
and many others…
For more details on graph kernels, refer Intro to Graph Kernels ppt(ETHZ) and A survey on graph kernels, Kriege et al(2020)
Main Reference Stanford cs224w